Movie Review: Ah Boys to Men 3: FrogMen


Hello all, 
These few days have been quite a busy day. So i really dont have the time for blogging. So sorry about it.. *SOBS*
But still, I have something to share with you!

Ah Boys to Men: Frogmen

This movie is directed by our Singaporean Director - Jack Neo. Movie was released on 19th Feburary 2015, on the first day of the Goat Year.

Ah Boys to Men 3: Frogmen is the 3rd movie in the ABTM franchise. From the previous 2 movie, it is about the story as a recruit in Tekong. But in ABTM3, they are being brought to Naval Diving Unit (NDU) - one of the xiong-est place in army for the toughest 40 weeks of training, instead to the old usual story.

Well, we still have the old characters but someone new as well:

1. Ken Chow - By Joshua Tan

He is the rich kid living in huge house, with maid.

2. Aloysius Jin Sia Lan AKA Wayang King - By Maxi Lim

All he things about is being the best out of best. But his enthusiasm made everyone in his cabin dislike him.

3. Lobang - By Wang Weiliang

He is a fella whom may not seems to be well-off, but he is definitely a street-smart person who knows to get tibits into his cabin and also know how to deal with lots of situations.

4. HeiLong - By Wesley Wong [New added character]

He is an aggressive gang leader who always pick on Wayang King and also like to fight.

And I nearly forgot! My favourite Sergeant Ong!! LOLS

5. Sergeant Alex Ong - By Tock Rock Zhang

He is the one in charge of these people above. He may seems to be really fierce but he is always out there to support the team and be there for those who are really in need. 

My Review:

I personally think that this movie is one of the best among the 3 films. This movie made me teared, laughed and went into deep thoughts about how the boys went through their training in NDU.

Something that I remember clearly is when Lobang had to go home to deal with his family problem. Yet, the officer refuse to let him take time off. So he had no choice but to swim with his comrade from the camp to Sembawang Camp. And when he is back, the officer said that there are times you have to choose to do thing rightfully wrong and also wrongfully right. 

I personally agree. Life is about making choices. Maybe it may seems to be rule breaking, but you are trying to undo the mistake that was there. In life, there is no right or wrong, it is all about making your own moves and choice. And by making use of whatever you learned, you will make the best out of what you have. 

Of course there are some parts that made me go into laughters.

I hope everyone will go and support our Singapore Film.. This movie is super nice.. It is a must watch movie!! What are you waiting for? Go grab the tickets!! When we went on 2nd day of showing, it is mostly full house for most of the movie timings.

If you would want to take a look at the trailer, pls check below..

Do note that the movies will be shown in Malaysia too. Malaysian friend you may take note of it!

Happy Meh Year again all.. I will post up more photos of my CNY soon.


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